Thursday, February 14, 2008
I can't believe my baby girl is already one!!!
This day is a little bittersweet.... Where has the year gone??? I'm not sure but somewhere, somehow my baby girl has turned a year old...I can remember this day a year ago like it was yesterday... Dawson was with Amanda, waiting on baby Daityn... All he wanted was a camoflauge baby... And all I wanted was to get him that baby!!
We had her party last weekend and she had so much fun!! It was great!! I'm gonna just post pictures on this blog... I've gotta go and make some cupcakes for Dawson's Valentine party at school!!
Happy Valentine's Day!! And Happy Birthday Daityn Blair and Mrs. Sparks!! I love you both more than you'll ever know!!;)


Here is the table with pictures from the past year of Daityn Blair!! After the party I split them with the two great grandmothers that made it to the party!!

Of course trusty Amanda was there to help every step of the way!! Here she is serving punch with Kaley!!

She loves Aunt Punky!!

Here she is sitting in the bouncer watching all of the boys jump!!

After awhile I had to call Dawson over to help her open the presents!! There were SOOOOOO many!! And I think she was getting tired of it!
I have bragged and bragged on Dawson!! He is such a little man! He did AWESOME at his baby sister's first birthday party!! I'm so proud of him!!

OMG!! Here she is having her first kiss... Cooper Rambo, you better watch out!! I think it was love at first site!! They went on and on and on!! It was so cute!

Things sure have changed since this time last year! But I can't imagine our lives without you little princess!!

My little birthday girl!! I love you more than words can say!! And I'm so proud of you!! Muah!!
Monday, February 04, 2008
A HeckOfA New Post.... To catch you up for the past 3 months!!
Gosh.... I know.... It's been too long... But we've been so freakin' busy.... If and when you get to the bottom of this post, you will understand!!I know I always say this... On like every post for the past 10 posts... But this time I mean it... I'm going to start keeping my blog updated more.... I promise!!!
David got back home the first part of November and we've been spending a lot of time together with the kiddos since then... And of course Christmas is always hectic and stuff.... I knew in the back of my mind that's it had been a while since the last post on here... But when I logged in and saw that my last DRAFT was from the first week in November, I knew it had for sure been WAY too long!!!
David is supposed to be leaving here in the next few days, so I know there will be a lot of late night without sleep that I'll post I promise!!
I guess that this one is going to be more about pictures and catching you up on what's been going on in the life of the Ladd's over the past few months!!
Always adventurous.... ALWAYS!! But that is how we like it!!
I'm so glad that all of my babies are back together!! Oh so glad!! I know I've said this before, but that man means the world to me and things just are not right when he's gone!! And my babies are in love with their daddy too, fo sho!!

Mamaw Woodie was here I think she enjoyed herself!!

Here are some of our Christmas pictures!!
This one is my favorite of the kids!! They had so much fun!!

I just set the timer on the camera and ran back and forth for the ones of all of us!! So of course we had some funny ones... Like this one...

But the ones of Dawson and Daityn Blair truly show the love that they have for one another!!

Daityn Blair giving her daddy some sugar!! Or at least that's what it looks like... She was really trying to get his gum because he was teasing her with it!! Silly daddy!!

Here is one of the few that is good of all of us!! Besides Daityn Blair.... She would look at me the whole time that I was setting the camera and as soon as I started running to get in the picture she would start messing with Dawson's hat!!

Here is another one of my favorites of the kids!! Just playing in the grass with each other!

There's Daityn Blair with her daddy getting ready to ride in the Christmas parade for winning the pageant earlier in the summer! She had so much fun!! We didn't think that she was going to ride on top of the car because we tried to sit her up there while we were waiting on the parade to start and she wanted no part of it!! But as soon as we turned on Main street and she saw all of those people, she started smiling and waving!! It was priceless!!

She thought that was so funny!! He would put it back on his head and she would try her best to take it off and do it all again!!

Here is Dawson and his pre-k teacher Mrs. Laura... Dawson loves her so much and she has truly made his first year of school very special!!

Let me tell you it was absolutely priceless!!

Then low and behold in the weeeee hours of the morning.... Santa Came!!!
To see Dawson...

Here is Dawson helping David put together the kitchen that PawPaw got them for their birthdays!!

Next weekend we are having Daityn Blair's birthday party so I'm sure there will be more yummy cake pictures!!
Hope everyone is doing good!!