Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Dawson's First Day of "School"

Ok, so it's not really school.. But I think that makes him feel a little bit better about it!! He was really excited when I told him on Monday that he was going to get to play with a lot of other kids.. He was ready to go right then!! Tuesday morning was a whole other story!! He didn't want to go, he didn't feel good... You know all of the things that I used to tell my mom when I didn't want to go to school...
Dawson and I have stayed together every single day since he was about 5 or 6 months old... I thought that it would be good for him to go and be with someone other than David and I. And also give me a little break!!
I dropped him off at about 10.. I stayed a few minutes filling out registration.. He went outside and started playing with all of the other kids.. He had some friends that he knew, and he just loves Austin, so I thought that he would be fine!!

I went to my daddy's to clean up his "bachelor pad" and thought that would also be a good occupier for my heart and mind... I only called to check on him twice!! I was quiet proud of myself!! (gahlee, he's my baby, I wanted to call every 5 minutes!!) They said that he'd cried a little but that he was okay!! I know all of the ladies that run the daycare, so I never "worried" about him.. I knew that he was in good hands!!
I went to pick him up at 2, and all of the kids were taking their naps... But not D... They said that he was the first one to go to sleep... But his little eyes were puffy and he was sobbing.... It broke my heart.....
I said "Dawson why are you crying?" he said "momma my thought you wuden neva comin back to get me!!" That made me want to cry!! But he told Ms. Kathy and Ms. Martha that he enjoyed it and that he'd come back another day... So I encouraged him as much as I could...
I told him how proud I was that he went to school... And how only big boys went to school... He said that he had a good time, and that he liked it... For a mile down the road...
After that, he quickly changed him mind... He said that he wasn't ever going back there!! He said that he liked playing with the kids, but he didn't want to go back!! (hehe!! He can't help it he loves him mommy so much!!) But I wish he wouldn't worry about me so much, I know that he could have a wonderful time!!
So that night I was telling David all about it... I was telling him about filling out the paperwork and how if they get into trouble they have timeout.. I turned around and looked at Dawson, who until this time had not said a word to me about this...

Me: "D, did you have to sit in time out today?"
Dawson: "Yes, mam."
Me: laughing and looking at David like WHAT?? Not that I was upset because they made him sit in timeout or anything, just that he had talked all about daycare since we'd been home and never mentioned getting in trouble... I said "Why did you have to sit in timeout??"
Dawson: "So I can undustand"
Me: (trying not to laugh profusely) "what did you need to understand?"
Dawson: "that I was cryin!!"
David and I fell out!! I know that they had to be tired of listening to him squall!! He's used to sitting in the ugly chair/time out at home so it wasn't anything new.. But I always tell him how disappointed I am that he's having to sit in the ugly chair, so he didn't want me to know...
When we finally stopped laughing he said "they just make me sit in that char till I quit cryin!!"
I said "Boo, why were you crying??" He said, "cause I just wanted ju momma"!!! Now you gotta love that!! My heart melted...
So now I've gotta figure out how to get him back in there next time... It's not going to be an everyday thing, but I don't think that it hurt him at all.. I just wish that he would let himself have a good time and enjoy all of the other children!!

I took these pictures before we left home.. He looked like such a big boy!! He was trying to convince me that he needed to go with me to run errands and not go to school the whole time that I was snapping away!!

Anyone with any "nice" advice, please feel free to enlighten me!!;)

posted by Cara @ 10:05 PM |


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