Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Very Stinky Situation with Incriminating Photos

Dawson has to go to the bathroom first thing in the morning and take care of a little business. He's sitting on the pot and I'm standing at the door... He has a miniature International tractor playing with it, and in a split second...... The tractor is gone... Yep, that's right, in the pot!! He said "oh no, momma it was an accident"!!

So he gets up and I look and can see the back tractor wheels, along with poop, in the pot... I think, okay, no problem... Just get it out!!

Yeah right, lots easier said than done!! The tractor is stuck... So I think, okay, it was Dawson's idea to play with the tractor while taking a dump... It's his job to get his tractor out of his dump.... He starts screaming... "I'm gonna get poo poo on my hands"!!!! I encouraged him, ensuring that he can wash his hands afterwards and he finally sticks his hand in there.. Unfortunately instead of getting the tractor out.. He manages to push it deeper...

Now while he's screaming his head of "momma, I understand now!! I'm not gonna play with tractors on the pot no more wwwwwaaaaaaa!!!! I'm doubled over laughing my head off because he's acting a fool!! I had to run and get the camera for this one!!

I know your thinking how hard can it be to get a tractor out of the toilet... It's freaking hard... So I try and call David... As I do in all catastrophe's.. Of course he doesn't have his phone with him.. So I call Uncle Keith, I think he thought that I was crying when I asked if David was with him, so I had to tell him why I was laughing profusely...

So I got D some clothes on and the whole time he's asking "Momma.. Is daddy gonna whoop my butt??" I told him no, because it was just an accident.. But that he better not be playing with toys while pooping anymore... He starts crying again "I understand momma, I'm not gonna play with tractors on the pot no more"!! I'm rolling in the floor, and he's telling me that it's not "thunny".. Remember all of his f's are pronounced th!! hehe!!

When I get to the shop, I'm still laughing so hard that I can't even tell David what happened.. David was saying "what is wrong??" Dawson said " my dropped my tractor in the toilet..." David said "you did?" Dawson said "uh huh.." David said which tractor did you drop in the toilet?? Dawson said "that International, and I can't get it out!!!" I'm still laughing my butt off... David looks at me and I almost have my composure and he says, "what? Is there poop in there too??" I die again, and then he starts...

So Daddy comes home to the rescue.. Now we have a flushed pot and a wet International!!

Yuck, what a morning!!
posted by Cara @ 2:01 PM |


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