Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Handsome Little Man!!

Here are some pictures that I took last weekend at our family reunion of Dawson!! He's such a sweet boy!! These two at the top you can see the sweat coming off of his brow!! It was like 80 degrees!!

The reunion was at Cheminahaut and they have a wonderful relaxing park!! Lots of things for the kids to stay busy!!

This one to the left is so funny to me!! He had just slid down the slide and Scott was behind him, he jumped off and made this face!!
We have a play date with some friends today and we are planning on taking a few more... We'll see how they turn out!!

Hey, if anyone has Corel Paint Shop Pro X.... Please tell me how to make the pictures smaller to print and email!!!! This stupid mutha won't let me downsize my pictures... Or either it's the operator!!! hehe!!!
I'll be adding more pictures to my photobucket from the reunion later today!!
Hope your having a good week!!;-)
posted by Cara @ 11:49 AM |


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