Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Trying" to Answer Questions

Since my papaw died the end of January, Dawson has lots of questions... He is so smart, I usually have a really hard time answering.. Here is a few of our conversations... Usually he just asks out of the blue...

Dawson: "Momma do you remember someone went to live with Jesus?"
Me: "What are you talking about, D?"
Dawson:: "Papaw Wood... He had to go and live with Jesus didn't he momma??"
Me: "He sure did.."
Dawson: "Why"
Me: "Because God needed him to come and live with him and Jesus in Heaven"
Dawson: "Where's Heaven? Waaaaayyy up in the sky??"
Me: "Yep"
Dawson: "Can we go see him?"
Me: "When God is ready for us to come and see him, he'll call us to come to Heaven."
Dawson: "Let's go up there Momma.."

Me: "We can't until God calls us to come to Heaven, when we get there, we can't come back here to our house.."
Dawson: "I'll just get all of these ladders around here and climb up there and then just climb right back down to you momma!!"

Another conversation.....

Dawson: "I want to call Papaw Wood.."
Me: "Remember Papaw's not at home anymore, he had to go and live with Jesus in Heaven."
Dawson: "Let's just call him at Jesus' house!!"
Me: "Jesus don't have a phone, when you want to talk to Papaw, you just have to pray.."

Another conversation....

Dawson: "Do you remember somebody had to go live with Jesus?"
Me: "Yep!"
Dawson: "Papaw Wood did, didn't he momma?"
Me: "Yes, sir he sure did!"
Dawson: "How did he get to heaven?"
Me: "God just told him, "Papaw Wood, your job on Earth is done.. Now you get to come and live with me in Heaven.."
Dawson: "Why didn't he take his truck?? He left it at Conk's house.."
Me: "When you go to Heaven you don't need your truck, all you need is your heart!!"

Another conversations....

Dawson: "Do you remember somebody went to live with Jesus?"
Me: "Yeah"
Dawson: "Papaw Wood went to Heaven didn't he momma?"
Me: "He sure did.."
Dawson: "I don't want to go to Heaven.."
Me: "Yes you do, one day.. It's really pretty there, and you can have fun all day long... And play outside all day long, it's a lot of fun!!"
Dawson: "Do they have candy there?"
Me; uhhhhh "Yeah, they have candy there.."
Dawson: "Okay, I want to go to Heaven!!"

Another conversations between Dawson and Granny... She heard him in the back seat mumbling about something...

Granny: "What are you back there talking about?"
Dawson: "Oh, I'm just praying.."
Granny: "What are you praying for?"
Dawson: "I'm just praying for everybody to be good.."

Granny: "Oh..."
Dawson: "And did you know that my Papaw Wood had to go and live with Jesus way up in the sky and my momma tells me that we can't call him on the phone anymore now we just have to pray when we want to talk to him!!"

I just amazes me at the questions that he asks and the things that he remembers... I'm sure he misses the phone calls that we used to get from Papaw everyday... But he hasn't forgotten!! And he usually asks me one of the many questions that he has, everyday... If not everyday, every other day!!

If anyone has any advice that they can give me about how to make this easier for him to understand.... PLEASE enlighten me!! I'm all out of answers that I feel like he's ready for right now!!!
posted by Cara @ 10:00 AM |


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