Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Insurance & Doctor Rant

You'll just have to click away if you don't want to hear me bitch about the ridiculous healthcare that we have to choose from around here... I'm so fed up with doctor's and insurance I could scream!!! And I gotta get it out!!

First of all, everyone in our family is in I would say good health... No one is over 30, no major health problems except for tonsilectomy's for David and I.. Of course we all have allergies, but that comes from where we live... That's just part of life that we've learned to deal with..

We have been paying $900 a month for health insurance... Yep, that's right... $900!!! For David, Dawson and I...

When we got this insurance about five years ago... It was only $400... That's still ridiculous, but you can't afford to be without it in a time that you need it!! On top of that $900 a month... All of our prescriptions were $50 per bottle if they even decided that they wanted you to take that particular medicine... No matter what your doctor prescribed... How can an insurance company tell you "don't take that, take this"... Look, punk, did you go to college for 10 years?? If you did and practiced with licensed healthcare providers I might listen to what you have to say.. But you are only being paid minimum wage to sit behind a desk and talks to people on the phone telling them what is good for them and what is not... WHATEVER!!

Another thing... While I'm on my rant.... Did you know that if you have a C-section and decide to change insurance companies... That insurance company will not cover you for maternity???? Because a C-section is a "pre-existing condition" WTF??? That makes me livid.... It's not like you can actually say... Okay, when I go into labor, whatever you do don't give me a c-section because then I can't be covered by insurance to have another baby... Come on people!!

Okay, off of that junk and on with the real story of how doctor's around here are a joke!!

Saturday morning David got up with a pain in his neck... And it wasn't me... It got a little better in the afternoon only to get worse that night... David never misses church... But this Sunday he didn't even feel like going to church... Monday morning he was having some ear pain like it was stopped up or something... So he asked me to make him an appointment....

So of course, we did have a slight ice storm over the weekend and it was President's day, but the office was opened cause they answered the phone... "Okay send him over because we are leaving at 3 o'clock" is what the lady at the desk told me... So David gets off the couch and jets to "tha doctor's office".......

Here is where the story gets shady... They do lab work and he asks him some questions... This doctor basically told him that there was nothing wrong with him and to go home and take some Tylenol or Ibuprofen..... HELLO....... If Tylenol and Ibuprofen was working, he wouldn't be at a doctor's office..... So needless to say when he leaves... Dave-O is PISSED!!!

So he calls me and tells me to call his ear nose and throat doctor in Greenville... I do and he can't get in until today.... When he gets there and tells the "good" doctor what the "quack" told him... The good doctor couldn't believe it!! He had an infection and the drainage was backed up in his ear causing a lot of pressure... He drained it and gave him an antibiotic... And he is feeling much better now!! Thank God!!!

My point in all of this jibber jabber..... The quack didn't do anything for him.... But we still had to pay a co pay of $20!!! WHY??? The good doctor charge a copay of $20 to make him feel so much better... Why should we have to pay the quack for his day off?? I mean he could have at least told him that he didn't know what was causing the pain and sent him to another doctor... But instead he acted like it David was imagining the pain and gave him nothing!!!

That's the very reason, I don't fool around in this part with quack doctors for my baby... I will pack up and go to Monroe at the first sign of any kind of sickness!!! David could've really gotten sick over this and I hope it doesn't happen to anyone else..

I've heard of a few other bad experiences with other people... What about you??? Come on, gripe with me!!
posted by Cara @ 3:15 PM |


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