Tuesday, February 21, 2006

What Goes Around Comes Back Around and I Have Pictures!!

I've heard this saying all of my life... What goes around comes back around.. But I didn't know that went for animals too...

Dawson was playing outside, making a road with his bulldozer in the yard when all of the sudden I heard him wailing... He ran in the house tears running down both cheeks right through all of the dirt on his face.. Through his sobs I finally made out that Onyx (our 3 month old Labrador) had knocked him down.. I told him to be tough and if he tried to knock him down again, give him a knuckle sandwich!! So he goes back out to finish his "road"...

A whole five minutes later the same routine of wailing, tears and sobs are coming through the door... This time he screams "momma that puppy is trying to thight me".. (remember all of his F's are pronounced TH)

Bless his heart, Onyx was trying to play with him and he just doesn't realize how rough he really is.. Needless to say he scratched my baby's face...

That night David and I were up late and I heard an awful noise of another kind coming from outside... I told David to go and check on Onyx because he had been chasing the cat all day.. I thought that she was being very patient with him considering he was chasing her tail... And she just don't play!! Needless to say... She got him... Poor Onyx cried all night... She scratched him right over the same eye that he'd scratched on D...

Also keep in mind that Onyx's lip had just healed from an earlier encounter with Miss Kitty Kitty... Looks like he would've learned don't mess with her!! But you know how males are... They just have to chase the cat!!

So Kitty Kitty was the Queen of the day!! She was giving Onyx exactly what he'd given Dawson... Onyx got Dawson, but Kitty Kitty got Onyx REAL good!!

Hope you enjoy the pictures!! I've gotta get Alex on here, he's going to think he's mistreated!!;)

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I can't upload pictures using blogger... So I'll have to use Hello and post them below!!
posted by Cara @ 2:45 PM |


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