Friday, December 02, 2005

Scared of Santa Claus...... WHAT?????

Okay, I'm having a major problem..... My son is deathly afraid of Santa!!
We had a beautiful parade last night on the square! Before we ever got out of the car Dawson started saying "momma I don't want my picture made with HO HO!" I said OK, I don't want him to be scared and traumatize him for life... "You don't have to have your picture made with Santa, you can just wave at him and blow him a kiss..." And wave he did.. From the red light..... Santa was in front of the gazebo.... A far hop skip and a big jump away!! I tried to get him closer so that he could see all of the other children sitting on Santa's lap.... No mam!! He was glued to my leg...
So the parade started and if he say the slightest sign of a big man in the red suit with a furry face.... He was gone!! Do I even have to tell you where he was when the Santa Grinch was walking by..... He was outta there!! I do want him to have his picture made with him... But when we saw him with the other kids...Dawson started screaming, "I don't want to go, I don't like Santa Claus, I don't want him to come and see me...Santa Claus stinks!! I don't want a grain cart NO MORE!!" I mean, what do you say to that?? That is on the top of his list of things that he wants for Christmas... That's what I call scared.....
What do I do??? Anyone with any suggestions???? I would be much abliged!!

Happy Holidays!!
posted by Cara @ 9:45 AM |


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