Rakes Chairs & Battle Scars
My poor baby has his first black eye!! He ran full steam ahead all day long yesterday.. Last night it was more than he could handle, with no nap at all!!! We were coming home and he walked up the steps to the deck... He had been playing with the rake earlier in the day... Our dog, Alex, was just ahead of Dawson... D ran over to see Alex and tripped over the rake and hit a chair head first!!! Bless his bones... We knew that it hurt... He cried for about a minute... I sat him on the counter and asked him where it hurt.. He showed me on his forehead.. Ya know momma's kisses can cure a broken leg!! About five minutes later he walked in the kitchen and I was like "oh my gah"!!! It was huge!!! All swollen and purple!! We showed him what it looked like in the mirror and he was amazed!! David said "does it hurt man"? Dawson said "not really".. He is so tough!! You can see the line on his right eye lid... It must look worse than it feels, he has yet to complain today!! He looked so sweet snuggled up to Bob the Builder, I just had to snap this shot!!
posted by Cara @
1:31 PM |