Monday, October 03, 2005


One of my reasons for being addicted to the television on Sunday night... Desperate Housewives!!! I start on Mondays looking forward to the next Sunday.. Don't dare call me between the hours of 7pm & 10pm on Sunday's... To much estrogen flowing between the Housewives, Grey's Anatomy and I!! My husband would never admit it, but I think he likes it too!
I can't believe that Susan ran over Eedy. But with her wearing that ridiculous get-up, who wouldn't have ran her over!! I can't wait to see what happens next week on Wisteria Lane! I'm sure it'll be Juicy!!
Yah!!! The dishwasher man is here!!!! Oh my gosh, how should I know where to water turns off? He's getting paid for this, right? I could be a fixer man, if someone would tell me each move to make... Oh well, maybe we'll have a dishwasher by the end of the day!! Hope you had a great weekend, have a wonderful week!!

posted by Cara @ 11:14 AM |


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