Sunday, October 23, 2005

We had such a fun time at the pumpkin patch.. But that was only the beginning of our day. We left Wilmot headed for Monroe for a birthday party. I tried to drive really slow thinking that D would take a little power nap before we got to the party.. But oh no, nosey rosey, he stayed awake the whole way. There are alot of trains between Wilmot and Monroe!!
He played hard again at the party with all of the other kids. They had a ball pit and trampoline and all kinds of things. Needless to say when we left there, he was pooped!! I thought that he may be hungry because of course he was too busy to eat at the pumpkin patch. So I whipped into Johnny's and ordered us a pizza. Before it was ready, he was sound asleep.
My friend Jeanne was going to take her kids to the lawnmower races in town. So I told Dawson that we would go.. But papaw Randy called and got a new Kubota mule type thing.. Dawson calls it a John Deere Gator naturally.. So I gave him the choice of the races or papaw's and he picked papaw's!!
He had such a fun time. But he was so tired. I have better pictures that I'll have to post later this week. You know me, I'm so scatter brained. I took some film from the pumpkin patch to the one hour photo lab in Monroe before the party. And ran right off and left them. I did talk to a nice man who is going to mail them later this week... Thank you, thank you, mister!! ;)
My baby is worn out! As you can imagine! We left home at 8:30 and finally got home about 9:00!! What a day.. It's so worth it just to see that look of excitement on his face!! He is still recuperating today. He usually doesn't go to sleep in my arms. But today he did. That doesn't happen very often anymore. He thinks he too big, and just wants to go and get in his bed. So today I had to just hold him a while and watch him sleep. He's growing so fast, and I know he'll never be this little again!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Did you know that there is only 10 weeks until Christmas..... Wow! Better start shopping!!
posted by Cara @ 6:45 PM |


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