Monday, October 10, 2005


Dawson's first day swinging alone, without holding on to my finger and pulling me to the swing set!
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This is kind of bittersweet... My baby is growing up!!! He is becoming very independent, and it's starting to be hard for me to deal with!! In a way. But, in another way, I can watch him out the window and still get other things done!
I couldn't believe it.. Usually he would stand under my feet until I finally give in and take him to the swing set to push him for a while.. But not today!!
Today I looked outside only to see him using his super coordination skills to swing himself!!! YAH D!! I'm so proud of him! He is a big boy! Yep, still in his PJ's just swinging away. Stopping only to catch a quick glimpse of the tractor across the road plowing the field.
posted by Cara @ 11:33 AM |


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